Asia is the Largest Continent

In fact, traveling to Asia is something that everyone has to experience at least once in life. In this article you will find some interesting Asia facts and if you are not interested in this topic, this is still worth reading since you can never tell what you do not know. While traveling to Asia [...]

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What is Censorship all About?

What is Censorship all About? Censorship, simply put, is controlling the information and the ideas that are being circulated within a society. The truth about censorship is that it has truly been a hallmark for dictatorship all throughout history. Censorship is achieved in many ways, including through examining plays, books, television, films, news reports, radio [...]

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The Ways SmartPhones Have Changed the Broadcast Media World

The Ways SmartPhones Have Changed the Broadcast Media World Smart phones and the Internet have really changed how people receive their news. People are turning more and more to their smart phones and the Internet service that it provides as a way to get news because it allows them to get their news instantly and [...]

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Why Jingles Are Effective Advertising Tools

Jingles. We have all heard them. Those catchy tunes we hear on the television or more often on the radio. Many people think that writing a jingle is simple. After all, it’s not a complete song — it’s just a tiny snippet of music and words… so how hard can that be to write? While [...]

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Examples of Internet Media

Examples of Internet Media The Internet is usually thought of as a way to connect people and help them better their communication. However, the Internet is quickly turning into a viable form of broadcast media. There are dozens of different outlets that news stations all over the world use in an effort to broadcast the [...]

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The South Park Example of Government Censorship in the United States Media

It is not every day that people in the United States experience the form of censorship when it comes to the media. The United States is a country with a very liberal country that allows freedom of the press and freedom of speech. However, there was an occasional instance where the United States and some [...]

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