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The FCC is also known as the Federal Communications commission. This is a governmental agency that is in charge of regulating all communications within or that originates within the U.S. Their jurisdiction will extend to television, radio, cable, satellite, and telegraph communications- the whole kit and caboodle. Historically the FCC acted also as a regulatory agency for broadcast content. Before the 1980’s when the Regan Administration began to strip the agency of some of its powers, they required stations to present diverse programming including news and educational shows- a specified amount of hours each day
There present purpose is not as broad as before. The FCC is vested with the power to of licensing in regards to broadcast stations. When it is time for the broadcasting station to renew their licensing they must go before the FCC. Although they still have some control over content and to levy fines if violated, when it comes the broadcasting arena, the FCC concentrates mainly on the renewal and denial of licenses.
When it comes to its power over radio stations, the FCC tends to exercise a bit more control over the content of radio stations. Whenever radio content is implicated in a FCC case, it will mot often involve the first amendment because the FCC usually uses the first amendment as a basis for bringing the fine. There are three levels of radio licensing that a station can receive from the FCC, and each one requires that the operator undergo a licensing test. There are those who predict that digital or satellite radio will greatly undercut the current power that the FCC has in world of radio licensing. Until that time though stations are aware that the FCC has the power to levy fines and other legal remedies for improper content.